All Knowledge & Learning Features

Knowledge & Learning / Features in Depth

Organized Content

Rich-Text Editor

Create and edit content with a rich-text editor, ensuring that resources are engaging and visually appealing. Add videos, images and attachments to make your content more interactive.

Draft Mode

Save drafts of content before publishing, ensuring that resources are reviewed and approved before they are made available to employees.

Content Sharing

Articles, folders or entire categories can be shared between linked workspaces ensuring that resources are accessible to all employees who need them. Creat a publishing hub, and allow other workspaces to pull in the content they need.

Searchable Resources

Enables a comprehensive and searchable library of resources, ensuring that information is easily accessible and retrievable.

Categories & Folders

Allows for the creation of custom folders, categories, and organization schemes, ensuring that resources are structured and easy to navigate.

Targeted Content

Facilitates the segmentation of content based on location, roles, and other criteria, ensuring that resources are relevant and targeted.

Training & Policies

Mobile-first How-tos & SOPs

Provides easy access to how-tos and standard operating procedures (SOPs) while on the sales floor, or in the field, ensuring that employees have the information they need to perform their tasks effectively.

Policy Distribution & Storage

Facilitates efficient distribution and storage of critical training materials and policy documents, ensuring that employees have access to the latest information and guidelines.

Policy Acknowledgement

Tracks acknowledgements of policy receipts, ensuring that employees are informed and compliant with company policies and procedures. Reminders can be sent to employees who have not yet acknowledged receipt.

Enable Autonomous Training

Empowers employees to access training materials and resources when they have time to really focus on learning, ensuring that they can develop their skills and knowledge at their own pace.

Engagement & Compliance

Required Reading Settings

Not everything is required reading, but administrators can set certain documents as non-negotiable, can see who has read an article, and how much time the spent doing so. When new content is added, new reading requirements can be set.

One-click Reminders

Send reminders to employees who have not yet read a document, ensuring that they are informed and compliant with company policies and procedures.

Usage Statistics

See who viewed an article, how long they spent reading it, and how many times they've read it. Each user's profile shows their reading history, ensuring that they are informed and compliant with company policies and procedures.

Required Reading List

Brings important documents and resources to the forefront by creating a required reading list. This feature ensures that essential information is easily accessible and that employees are informed and compliant with company policies and procedures.

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