
Clear Communication.
Smooth Operations.

Don't let information fall through the cracks of cascading communication. Connect, engage and keep everyone in the loop.


Communication is a two-way street.

Gather feedback from your team using polls in chat and on bulletins. Shift surveys allow you to gather everything from compliance and regulatory data, to sales goals and insights into workplace satisfaction.

Put an end to reply thread anarchy.

Gone are the days of sending a group message with the best of intentions, only to have the reply thread become an outright distraction. Broadcasts offer the ease of sending a group message with the privacy of a 1-on-1 reply for follow up conversations.

Teams that talk, Prospr.

Secure, company-owned chat built for multi-unit frontline teams. With automated member management, everyone is included, no matter their device. Have fun with interactive polls, GIFS, videos, voice memos and more. Managers can moderate group conversations, and read receipts let you know you're not shouting into the void.

“No one told me" - dead in its tracks.

Bulletins deliver real-time information to your team, ensuring they're always in the know. Go beyond text updates with videos, photos, GIFs, polls & more, targeted to only those who need to see them. Read receipts and employee acknowledgments promote accountability.


Own your work communication.

Safeguard your company from frivolous and expensive conflict. Protect peer-to-peer liability by keeping personal details, like phone numbers, private. When a team member leaves, ensure a clean break from the company, as they’re prevented from taking proprietary information with them.

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Prospr has allowed us to streamline communication, promote accountability, and keep scheduling efficient - all of which was daunting to juggle before Prospr."

Neha Govindra

Co-Founder & President


Happy Birthday To...

We all hope to remember and recognize everyone's birthday, work-a-versary, and achievements - but when juggling the reality of daily operations, the moments that keep teams motivated and culture alive can fall through the cracks. We've got you covered! Prospr automates and celebrates the milestones that keep your business running.

Communication Features in Depth

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